Three Useful Features You May Want To Consider When Getting An Alarm Control System For Your Retail Business
If you own a business, you may be installing an alarm control system to monitor for break-ins. If a window is broken, a door is opened or motion is detected when the alarm is set, both you and the police department are notified. However, alarm control systems may offer additional features that may be beneficial for your retail business. Here are three useful features you may want to consider integrating into your alarm control system for your retail business.
A Panic Button
One of the features that you may think about integrating into your alarm control system is a panic button. If your retail location is ever robbed, or if you or one of your employees ever feel threatened or unsafe, you can conspicuously call for the police with the touch of a hidden button. This button is typically hidden near your store's cash register, but a button can be placed in various locations, including stock rooms or bathrooms, giving employees a place to hide until the police arrive.
Shock Sensors
If you have a business that has expensive products, you may want to consider installing shock sensors. Shock sensors are installed along the walls and ceiling of your retail location. Criminals have gotten smart to alarm systems and have since tried to enter businesses by pounding on side walls or coming in through the roof. Shock sensors will pick up vibrations and sound if this is attempted in your business.
Environmental Sensors
The last type of system you may want to consider integrating into your alarm control system is environmental sensors. Environmental sensors pick up on major changes in the environment in your retail store. They can detect moisture, letting you know that your roof is leaking or a pipe has burst or can detect heat, indicating an electrical fire. Being alerted to these issues helps you get to your retail location and stop a leak before it causes major damage to your store, inventory or fixtures, or detect an electrical fire before it breaks out into a larger fire.
Integrating the right features into your alarm control system can increase the usefulness of your system. If you are interested in learning more about any of these features or about additional features that may be of interest to you, contact your preferred security system provider and ask them for a list of alarm control system features and information regarding them.